
Course Policy


Course:  Chemistry

Text:  Chemistry (Addison-Wesley)



Course Description


Chemistry is an introductory course designed to give you background knowledge about the world around you and to prepare you for further study in science.  This course will include the following topics:  matter and change, scientific measurement, dimensional analysis, atomic structure, the periodic table, nomenclature, chemical bonding, molecular structure, chemical equations and reactions, stoichiometry, acids, and bases.


Course Format



You will be evaluated in the following areas: tests, quizzes, homework, and lab reports.  Your quarter grade will be calculated using the following formula: test and quiz average x 65% + lab average x 25% + homework average x 10%.  The semester grade is 20% x exam average + 40% x quarter grade + 40% x quarter grade. The year end grade is the average of the first and second semester averages.


Tests and Quizzes:

Tests are given at the end of one or more chapters with at least one week advance notice of the test date.  Please be prepared to take tests on the announced date or (if you are absent) on the day of your return to school. 

Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.



Assignments are to be turned in to the appropriate box in the classroom on the due date at the beginning of the class.  (Assignments turned in at any other time are marked as late.)  If you are having difficulty with any assignment, you may ask questions in the beginning of any class before the due date.  All assignments must be completed.  After two late assignments, you will be assigned to the after school study hall.


Homework assignments are collected and graded.  They should be done on 8˝ by 11 inch looseleaf paper (not paper ripped from a spiral notebook).  Staple multiple pages.  Organization and neatness are imperative – if it is illegible it will not be graded.  Please – no doodles on assignments!  Late homework assignments receive only ˝ credit.  If the assignment has already been returned to the class, the late work receives no credit.


Labs will be completed with partners.  Each student is expected to record the observations, do the calculations, and answer questions on the report sheet.  Each student’s lab report will be collected and graded individually.  Concepts and skills covered in the labs may be included on the unit tests.


Lab reports are to be done neatly in ink.  Illegible reports will be returned to you and will be considered late.  Data tables and graphs must be neat.  During the experiment you can record data on a separate piece of paper and later transfer it to your report.  Lab reports are normally due one week from the day the experiment was performed.  Late reports are penalized one point for each day late.



Please try to avoid absences – especially on test and lab days.  If you are absent on the day a test is given or an assignment is due, you are expected to take the test or turn in the assignment on the first day you return to school.  Labs must be made up within one week.


Academic Honesty:

Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated on assignments, tests, or quizzes.  Students are required to sign the guidelines for this class.  Consequences include meeting with the dean and no credit on the assignment, test, or quiz.


Lab Policy:

You and your parents will be required to sign a Lab Safety contract as a prerequisite to participating in laboratories.  Lab Safety guidelines will be strictly enforced during the classes.  You are expected to demonstrate your preparedness as well as your ability to follow directions, while working safely and efficiently.  Infractions of the lab guidelines will result in penalties as follows:  1st time  - warning; 2nd time – 5 point deduction from the lab report; 3rd warning – return to seat and receive 0 for the lab.  Serious safety violations will result in further disciplinary action.  If you are asked to leave the lab for any reason, you will automatically receive a 0 for the lab.


Classroom Policy:

Be in your seat when the bell rings.  If you are late to class and you do not have a written excuse from another teacher, be prepared to speak with the dean.

Be prepared for class with notes, writing instruments, calculators, and assignments.

Assignments are due at the beginning of class.

Food, drinks, and gum are not allowed in the classroom.


Materials Required:

One large three ring binder for class notes, homework assignments, worksheets and handouts.

One ˝ - inch three ring binder for lab.


Mrs. Amoroso

Moravian Academy




Academic Honesty

Policy Statement


Students are expected to do their own work in all circumstances without exception. 




All assignments - including but not limited to homework and lab reports – are to be the ideas, thoughts, work, and efforts of the individual student.  To the extent that there appears to be inappropriate collaboration between students, consequences may be as follows: teacher speaks to the students, dean speaks to the students, both students receive no credit for the assignment, and/or further consequences are assigned by the dean.



Test and Quiz procedures:


Students are to place all notes, textbooks, note cards, study sheets, and the cover of their calculator (with small periodic table) on the lab tables in the back of the room before the test or quiz. Cell phones should be left in back packs or in the front of the room.

They will clear the memory of the calculator before receiving a test or quiz.

They may not talk to anyone during the test or quiz (until everyone has completed).

They may not retrieve any materials from the back of the room until everyone has finished the test or quiz.

Students are not to discuss test or quiz questions with students from any other class.




I have read the above academic honesty policy statement and I agree to abide by the guidelines described above.


                                                          Print name ____________________________


Signed _______________________________


Date    __________________________,  2007